Chutti TV Channel’s ‘Dora the Explorer’ and in Tamil it is known as Doravin Payanangal is aimed to engage pre-school children in a play with adventure. It’s on these quests that Dora faces problems and needs your child’s help. Dora can’t continue her adventure without your child’s input. The series is designed to actively encourage children.
Each day Dora and her monkey companion Boots(Buchi) go on a high stakes journey – a quest filled with funny friends, puzzling problems and an arch villain fox ( Swiper the Kulla Nari).
This programme is being telecast on all Mondays to Friday between 7.30 AM to 8.00 AM. The same programme is being repeated at 12.30 PM, 2.30 PM and the new one at 4.30 PM.
On Saturdays the show is on 3.00 for an hour. And on Sundays the show is on for an hour 10 AM to 11 AM.
Chris Gifford the creator of the show wanted to teach little kids problem-solving skills. Hence he has planned series of problems in this Dora show to involve the young children, sometimes many children reaching adulthood also interested to watch the show.
Dora is an adventurous, bilingual, Latina heroine who lives inside a computer. Determined, positive, helpful and caring, Dora is always ready for adventure. She's filled with a sense of wonder, as she explores her world with her faithful Backpack, Map and her best friend Boots.
Dora's best friend Boots (Buchi) ry, fuzzy, five and-a-half-year old monkey who speaks Tamil is sweet and caring and loves to hold Dora's hand, following her while they explore. He also loves to make Dora laugh by surprising her. Whenever Boots is feeling down he manages to bounce back with his special triple flips.
BACKPACK: It is a bag given to Dora by her Mom and dad, Backpack is great a friend who travels with Dora wherever her exploring take her. A real go-getter with a can-do attitude. Backpack always provides anything Dora might need for her quest. Backpack can also speak in both English and Spanish just like Dora.
MAP: Map is a funny, boucy rolled-up friend living in Backpacks side pocket. He is an incredibly useful helper because he always knows where to go and the best way to get there. 'If there's a place you need to get, I can get you there I bet' Map is always singing.
SWIPER: Swiper is a quick, sneaky fox ( Kullanari in Tamil) who tries to swipe things that Dora needs to complete her quests. When Swiper has swiped something he then hides it and it's up to Dora, Boots and the viewer to find where it is hidden.
DIEGO: Meet Dora's cousin, Diego! He's a great partner to Dora in her adventures. He helps his parents at the Animal Rescue Centre and can even make animal noises and talk to the wild animals. You can count on Diego to run, swing and jump to the rescue of any animals in trouble.